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To Todd
(verb meaning to spread. i.e.; he todded the butter over his toast)

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2004 Goals

This list will be updated when I can cross shit off and serve as a reminder of what I'd like to accomplish in the new year.

1. Finish the office remodel.
2. Put up new fence.
3. Get pregnant.
4. Pay off Haynes bill.
5. Buy one birthday or Xmas present a month.
6. Re-enroll in school.
7. Install shed.
8. Save up for kitchen remodel.
9. Get Jeff & Tracy up here!
10. Answer emails when I get them!
11. Exercise at least once a week.
12. Get the puppy housebroken.
13. Finish unfinished projects!


07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002 08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002 10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002 11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002 12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003 02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003 03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003 04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003 05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 03/01/2012 - 04/01/2012 Weblog Commenting by

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Patience is the companion of wisdom.
   - Saint Augustine

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

I'm in a mood. No, let me correct that. I'm in a "I do not feel like unpacking any fucking boxes" mood. This is why moving sucks. *NOTE* Finished cleaning the condo last night. *END NOTE* But now I'm stuck unpacking everything. Woo-frickin'-hoo. While this chore is one of the worst in the world, I know the end result will be worth it. I just need to make up my damn mind where the hell I want everything!!!

Porn. Makes life worth living. Enough said.

I should probably mention a little bit more about my relationship with Thomas. Especially since I know he'll read this. We have this "kooky kinda love" for each other. We haven't really known each other very long (what about 8-9 months now dear?), but we bonded quickly on our constant cigarette breaks and when we made him come down to work on our floor for a few months. (He was our office "bitch-boy" and he loved it!) We talk about a lot of crap and I think there are some things we know about each other that could have gone unsaid. Especially using the excuse of "my pussy hurts" when I bowled badly one week. Not something you would tell your straight guy friends.

Goddamn Thomas (1*). On our way back from lunch, he is commenting on the two men who are walking ahead of us and he is talking about their asses. He turns to me and (I kid you not) says, "You're not much of an ass-man are ya?" Excuse me??? Do I *look* like an ass-MAN to you???

(* see post on 8/1/02, 5.46.25pm)

S*E*X Donchya just love it!?!? I like to fuck, and like I mentioned previously, I'm bi, so gender is irrelevant. And before the idiots out there ask, yes, my husband does know of my predilection for women. And no, he doesn't care and nor does he participate. I'm too jealous of a person to share him with another woman. Maybe with another man, if he was so inclined, but not another woman.

Anyway, I like to fuck. There are so many positions and fetishes out there, that everyone should feel the same way. I am also very into BDSM. For those who are wondering what the hell that is, don't bother picking up a dictionary. It ain't there. In it's basic form, it stands for B(ondage)D(iscipline)S(lave)M(aster). May I suggest a little visit to here if you are really interested in getting a feel for what I'm talking about. I won't go into every little thing I like, only because it's none of anyone's damn business, but I will tell you that I like it when it hurts so good! >:) Luckily for me, my husband is also into this type of behavior. He likes being in control (when I let him). He isn't very good with the whole Master thing yet, but I have high hopes for him. He swings a good flogger though!

I have a love/hate relationship with my job. While the organization I work for, hereafter dubbed TPC, has some really great programs for the lower income families around the area. It has done a fairly good job at this, and has introduced some great stuff. Now, I love the people I work with. The women on my floor are wonderful and surprisingly we all get along. We all have different personalities, different astrological signs (and this does make a difference, trust me.), and we all have our really bitchy days, but it works. Now the same cannot be said for the rest of the building, but they are all good people. Well, most of them anyway.

However, I hate the clients I have to deal with. Jesus, could any of them be more stupid? And for the record, the word ghetto, while most people see this as a "black" word, fits the majority of the white clients I have to deal with. There is one client in particular that the entire office knows, the entire Social Services office in her city knows, and even the head man for my department, who isn't even AT this building knows. Her name is C. She's a true "product" of the system. C has worked this system for every last penny she can get her hands on. She has been on and off our program a total of 3 times IN ONE YEAR! She can't hold down a job to save her life, even at MCDONALDS!!! Since coming in for her intial appointment this past month, she has gone through 3 jobs. To top this off, she has the attitude that we OWE her this service. Excuse me?!?!?! We do not OWE any one person anything. You have to work to get ahead in this world and we just try to provide a little bit of assistance with that, but OWE you??? Although I haven't said it (yet), I'd love to just tell her, "Look, C, get a fucking clue, will you? Nobody is going to hand you anything, least of all us. Everyone else in this world has to WORK for a living, so I suggest you open your fucking eyes and take a long hard look at yourself. Do you really want your children to be like you, begging the system for money to feed themselves, to house themselves, etc.??? Get a goddamn job, do your best at it, go back to school if need be - hell you could get a pell grant with no problem - and DO something with your life, because sweetness, you are just a waste of air and space right now."

Yeah, I would probably get fired for that. But some days it feels like it's worth it. But don't get me wrong. I do have some excellent clients as well. These are the ones that have jobs, go to school, and do everything that is asked of them with no complaints and no hassle. I don't have to worry about them at all and actually enjoy talking to when I have to. Why the hell can't they all be this way? Wouldn't you want to improve your spot in existence???

Right, was going to bitch about the cleaning of the condo kitchen. But first, some background. We have lived in Virginia for the past year now. During this time, we have rented a condo from a fairly nice guy. Now, we have purchased our own home and are able to get the hell out of that place!! After only living there one year, we have been broken into once, had our cars towed four times, and have gotten countless letters from the condo association (that's another HUGE BITCH I won't go into now) about the broken this or the color of that kind of shit. In the end, it was more hassle than it was worth. But the cleaning was the biggest thing yesterday. When we moved into the place, it was a mess. The previous tenants were slobs and didn't clean a damn thing when they left and the landlord didn't bother to do it either. So we had to clean when we moved in. Now we have to clean because we're moving out. Yeah, I suppose we could have left the place as it was, but I just can't do that kind of thing. I'm a little anal-retentive that way. Besides, I want my damn deposit back!

But I digress. Cleaning. IT SUCKS. There is nothing worse in this world than having to clean up appliances. Self-cleaning oven my ass. Yeah, it's self cleaning all right, I mySELF have to CLEAN it. Why the hell aren't there little elves that live in there to clean it is anyone's guess.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

You know, I was thinking about these writings tonight while I was cleaning up the condo kitchen (another thing to bitch about later) and thought to myself that those of you who do not know me may think I'm mean or rude. I'm a lot of things, but not those. I'm sarcastic (well, VERY sarcastic) , and I will tell you exactly how I feel about any given topic. I like to be blunt and direct with everyone. Makes life easier and no one can say that you have mislead them by not saying how you feel, what you really think, etc.

My damn co-worker (yes the same as mentioned previously and his name will inevitably be popping up here QUITE A BIT!!), Thomas, told me that I spelled "bitchyness" incorrectly. I know this. It is supposed to be spelled "bitchiness". I spelled it MY WAY on PURPOSE! I am a bitch and can do whatever the hell I feel like. Besides, it looks better that way. Piss off.

Okay, so I suppose you want to know why the hell the address starts with ''bowlingbitch''. I think it should be pretty self-explanatory, but if you need it spelled out for you, here you go: I bowl. I am a bitch. Hence, bowlingbitch. Need any more clarity there?? I should explain that I bowl on a league. A gay and lesbian league. No, I'm not gay nor am I a lesbian. Does this matter to anyone? I didn't think so. I am, however, bi-sexual, so I fit in just fine. Of course, my husband also bowls with us, and no, morons, he isn't gay or a lesbian either. We like being the odd ones out and the co-worker that I mentioned before invited us. Besides, with all my bitchyness, I fit in rather well with all the bitching queens that are there every week. Now, I don't necessarily bowl very well but that isn't necessary to bowl on a league. We're just there to have fun and get a little exercise with our beer. What more could you ask for??

What the hell?!? Directed here by a co-worker who has started his own blog, I thought, 'Hey! What a great idea to get all the shit out of my head an onto paper!!!' (so to speak) First off, let me start by saying that I am a BITCH. There is no better word to describe me. I can and will complain about any and everything. Do you have a fucking problem with that? If so, then I suggest you quit reading while you're ahead. If not, then have a blast reading and if you want to drop me a comment or whatever, you can email me here.