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(People Protecting Paranoidals)

To Todd
(verb meaning to spread. i.e.; he todded the butter over his toast)

Adopt a werewolf at BloodMoon Studios
BMS Adopt-A-Werewolf

Art © Julia Grace Rogers

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2004 Goals

This list will be updated when I can cross shit off and serve as a reminder of what I'd like to accomplish in the new year.

1. Finish the office remodel.
2. Put up new fence.
3. Get pregnant.
4. Pay off Haynes bill.
5. Buy one birthday or Xmas present a month.
6. Re-enroll in school.
7. Install shed.
8. Save up for kitchen remodel.
9. Get Jeff & Tracy up here!
10. Answer emails when I get them!
11. Exercise at least once a week.
12. Get the puppy housebroken.
13. Finish unfinished projects!


07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002 08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002 10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002 11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002 12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003 02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003 03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003 04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003 05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 03/01/2012 - 04/01/2012 Weblog Commenting by

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Patience is the companion of wisdom.
   - Saint Augustine

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

OMG it's early 

And what's really sad? I've been up since approximately 2:30am. For some reason or another, when I awoke it was not the usual groggy waking, but full alert mode. Makes me wonder what exactly woke me up, as I haven't a clue really.

On another note: On Monday, I received an email from Mr. Inskeep regarding my post of the same day. I replied to him yesterday, informing how I felt regarding certain things. To no surprise, I did not hear from him again. I am mulling over in my mind whether or not to share the content of these emails with the rest of the blog world - in their entirety so as not to make it look in the least bit misleading.

There are also other thoughts and feelings that I did not share with Mr. Inskeep in that email that I may end up sharing here in the future. You may also notice that his link has been moved. This has nothing to do with his relocation to New Hampshire, but as the heading says - Confidants - I really can't list him among this group any longer.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

How much jail time is there for puppycide? 

This morning. What a joy it was to be a puppy parent. How Ms. Bailey got into the bedroom is still a mystery, since the door was closed. But she did. And she found something, um, "fun" to chew on sitting on the bedside table. She completely destroyed part of it, then came wandering into the living room - where Steve and I were watching the news this morning - with it hanging out of her mouth.

{pause to let that picture sink into your brain}

Needless to say, my, um, entertainment while Steve is away has been reduced a bit. It had to be thrown away - more for the embedded picture of Bailey standing there in the living room with it hanging out of her mouth than for the irreparable damage she did to it.

Hope you all enjoyed that story. I can see Chas laughing now at his desk at work.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Interesting and accurate results... 

Which Oscar Wilde quote are you? by avana4
favorite color
quoteAmerica had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Which Oscar Wilde quote are you? by avana4
favorite color
quoteLife is too short to be taken seriously.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Which Oscar Wilde quote are you? by avana4
favorite color
quoteSeriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Weekend Update 

Friday was a very nice, relaxing more ways than one. It was nice to see Toddles at drinks, but was a little surprised that Mr. Inskeep didn't come down, if just to say good-bye to those he won't see before he leaves. {Guess basketball really is that important. Who knew?} Saturday was not so joyful. Original plans fell through, so ended up putting down the hardwood flooring in the office - and I'm still sore as hell today because of it.

Sunday's brunch/bowling was good, even though we only took 3 points. I really don't mind too much about being in last place, quite frankly I'm pretty much resigned myself to staying there and will fight off any team who thinks they are going to take that honor from us! Afterwards, we went to our favorite after bowling spot, Uncle Louie's. While the food was as good as always, the service was not. With the "addition" of a 18% gratuity - which I really didn't not agree with - we spoke to one of the managers and was compensated well (see Chas's post today).

Later that night, while the hubby was guzzling NyQuil (big N, small y, big fucking Q) due to a cold or something coming on (damn that Darrell), I took a very nice, hot, long bubble bath, trying to soothe the aching muscles in my back and legs. Yeah, that didn't work worth a damn, but it was a nice get-a-way from the puppy and hubby. Hopefully, I can be back to somewhat normal by next weekend, when it will be the mudding and taping part of the fun. Yay.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Late breaking news! 

1) It is time for drinkies NOW

2) Verizon DSL sucks to high hell and back again

3) It is time for drinkies NOW

4) I'm calling Cox (shudder) to arrange installation of the cable internet

5) It is time for drinkies NOW

6) I *will* be finishing putting down the flooring in the office this weekend...even if it kills Steve

7) It is time for drinkies NOW


I'm sure most of the people who know me can figure that out. Dinner last night was really delicious! I'm not big on pork chops - of any kind - but Tony is the best chef that I know (save for Jeff) and they turned out moist and tasty! And the dessert was perfect - I needed my fix of Thin Mint cookies, since Christy decided to sell all the ones I ordered because she didn't bother to check her messages (just another bitter story there.)

Well, the hubby took his "tour" of the ship the other day and is so not happy about being on the ship. But like told him, you shouldn't have joined the NAVY if you didn't want to be on a damned boat! And as sad as this is going to sound, I am actually looking forward to him being gone next month. Not that I won't miss him - and be a royal bitch, don't think you all won't get out of that people - but I'd like some time away and possibly get some shit done around the house. And yes, I will be finishing up the office by myself. No biggie, since I didn't want him getting in the way anyway! :) Not like he knows how to do any of it either!

Oh, meant to mention this the other day. Turns out that Bailey doesn't like bright blue (or whatever color she sees it as, seeing as dogs are color blind). We had gotten her a new leash and collar the same color, but she kept walking away from the door after ringing the bell when Steve picked up the new leash. It finally dawned on me, and I told him to put that one down and pick up her old leash. Sure enough, she walked right up to him and sat, waiting for him to put it on. Too weird.

On another note, I'm looking forward to the weekend. We have a couple of things planned, besides brunch/bowling on Sunday, and I can't wait. ;-D

Looks like the busiest day of April is going to be the 17th. Sharon is "supposed" to be here that weekend, it's Shel's game, and I just learned yesterday that it is also the day of Bridget's shower and bachorette party. Now, I am definitely not going to the bachelorette party - me + liquor + half-naked man/men = trouble. Not that I don't trust myself, but I know how *I* get when I'm drinking, so I'd just as soon avoid the problem all together. This just leaves me with three activities and I'm really hoping that Sharon cancels (again) because it would just make my life so much easier. Not to mention happier. We'll see what the stars hold...

Wednesday, March 24, 2004


While I'm glad that it is almost the weekend, the morning did not start out well. The hubby was being a asshole {yeah, what's new there?} and generally pissing me off. And thinking about it today, I wish he was more inclined to know what I was thinking than not. He is on leave until next Wednesday and he has the time to do things while I am at work, yet doesn't. Nothing romantic, nothing helpful, just nothing. He has run a few errands - while out with Vivie and still forgot the most important one - and nothing that was particularly pressing. That's about it. I doubt he's even given thought to the fact that in exactly two weeks he'll be leaving for a month and should be thinking about the things he'd like to do before that happens. But *sigh* he's just a dumb man who has no concept of making the best use of his time.

And yes, I am whining a little. Only because if the situation were reversed, I'd be doing whatever I had to, to be sure that our limited time together was more memorable.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


Talked with the supervisor today and the verdict is...

Mike and I can both go on vacation together next summer on the cruise!!

Of course, now that I'm thinking about it, do I really want to go on vacation with a co-worker?


The Cult that is Tupperware 

Went with Tony and Darrell last night to the "Rally" so that I could pick up the starter package for $25. Worth it, since the silicon mat is included in it and that is worth 30. Anyway, I can see how people get sucked in to it. And I can forsee an intervention with Tony at some point. :) But before this, Steve and I decided to get something to eat. We found a hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant {the best kinds of restaurants are holes-in-the-wall} that was really, really good. Good prices, food, and the owner was very friendly. We'll be going back again next week, especially since the owner told us that the one dish that the both of us have been missing since Hawaii - Shrimp Piccata - could be made if for us whenever we came in. How fuckin' cool is that, seeing as this is the first time ever going to this place! I can't wait until next Monday! :)

Monday, March 22, 2004

More fucked up Quizzage 

I am the Master of the Universe!
Magister Mundi sum!
"I am the Master of the Universe!"
You are full of yourself, but you're so cool you
probably deserve to be. Rock on.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

Blue info
Your Heart is Blue

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Led Zeppelin
Classic rock! Without you the other genres
wouldn't exist! You are the raw and original
sound of rock! Other genres may try to imitate
your rawness, but they can never be like you!

What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Lunchtime Quizzage 

You are boisterous and affectionate. You are the
kind of tree that takes nothing sitting down, and is always ready for an adventure. You like to see everything that goes on around you. You like the warm weather, but you flourish when the nights tend to row slightly colder. You are someone who likes to extend your days into the night hours because you never want to leave anything unfinished. You love an audience when you do things and you like to show off sometimes, but others admire your attitude. You fear past mistakes coming back to haunt you, but try to live day by day. You admire the strength of others and try to find the same in yourself. When you leave this world, you want to make an impression so that you'll never be forgotten.

What's Your Inner Tree?

brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmm...interesting considering I hate orange:

Orange Vibes
Your Energy is Orange. Restless at times, you are a very focused self starter. People with orange energy are organized, inspirational and design concious. You are confident in your abilities and like to be in control.

You would make a good architect, teacher, designer, or entreprenuer.

What color is your energy?

brought to you by Quizilla

I like this one:

White Dragon
You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would help humans if they desprately need you. You are kind and wise with a heart of gold.

Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)

brought to you by Quizilla

If you are near a water dragon when its sad, it will begin to rain...
Your a water Dragon! Congrats! Like ice dragons, you are extremly powerful, but show it more often. You are a leader, and like to speak your opinion. AND, you are charming, swift, and great at dancing, you enjoy getting stuck in the rain, playing with friends, and swimming anywhere! Wat-ER you wating for?

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Marcie!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

And now for your Weekend Update: 

Not a whole lot happening this weekend. Drinks on Friday was fun, though Todd was missed greatly. I'm glad that his mom is doing better and hope that the rest of her treatments go even better. Spent Friday night playing with the puppy and generally bumming around the house. Saturday was much of the same, though it was Shel's night, yay! It was good to finally see Toddles, even if for a little bit, and the game was as fun as usual. Just need to clean the goblin toe jam out before we venture further into the monastery. I love playing a half-orge! :)

Sunday was the HoE and bowling per usual. I think I like the fact that we've been moved to the back room at the HoE, since it is much quieter but alas, no eye candy. I had a much better week at bowling - even if my third game did suck ass - since my second game I beat all my team mates {and that's saying something!}. I am sorry that it looks like Ed will not be coming back before the end of the season.

After bowling, headed back to the house to check on Bailey - who was in the kitchen the majority of the day since we've devised a way to keep her in there without chance of escape - and take her out to do her business before heading out to Applebee's for dinner with Mike. There was some definite eye candy there and I may just have to start hanging out there a little more often! :)

Upon returning home with an overly full stomach, it was time for puppy. She also got her weekly bath {she smells so good afterwards!} and we forwent the dip this week. She doesn't really need it anymore, but we're keeping an eye out. Ended up heading off to bed fairly early for us and had a very restful, very satisfying sleep. {wink, wink}

Needless to say, I am in a very good mood this morning - a change since Monday's are never good - and can't wait to get home tonight! Today, amidst the work I need to do, I will be looking up hotels in the area since it looks like I can't get around Sharon coming down next month. It also looks like my parents will be heading down here in May - date to be announced after we know when the hubby will be returning. When discussing with my Mom {CHAS - SHUT UP} about them coming down, I asked whether or not they wanted to see Steve. Seems like they do, so when I find out when he'll be coming back - and subsequently taking a weekend for ourselves - then I'll have a date of their visit. Thankfully, they will *not* be staying with us, but at the Patrick Henry Inn up in Williamsburg. It's up in the air right now whether or not I'm going to be introducing anyone here to them. And not because I'm ashamed of my friends, but because my Dad is not the most open/liberal person in the world. Think very uptight Republican. Think Bush, but not as fucking stupid or willing to sacrifice people's lives. But, who knows. It is very possible that his age and his growing knowledge that he needs to open himself up to new possibilities {i.e., his new holistic doctor} and some new thinking about the world around him will make him more pliable to the reality that gay men and women are just like everyone else.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Someone pass a weapon.... 

Michael must die.

{Who thought it would be a good idea for us to work together??}

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I Want A Civil War 

I think it's time. This country has been going down hill for years and no matter what the politicians in Washington say, you are *not* going to fix it with more politics. Unfortunately, there are too many politicians for politics to really help. Am I the only one who sees this? I would be more than happy to pick up a gun {and I hate guns} to fight. I say it's time to rid ourselves of those people who are inhibiting the growth of this country. While the last Civil War was not entirely about the rights and freedoms for blacks, it was a part of it, so I say, it worked once - it will work again. :)

{Yeah, now I *know* big brother is watching me.}

Which brings up another subject, terrorism. Are things getting any better? With two bombings in less than a week, I'd have to say, um, NO. Terrorism has been around a very, very long time, and no amount of US troops are going to change that. Ever. No matter what Dubya does or says is going to make a lick of difference. He's just sending our boys to be killed. Which is why I'd like to see him charged with murder. He reminds me of Hitler really - killing people because he believes he's right. We must bring Democracy to other countries - because it is working so well here. Yeah. Right.

Homosexuality is a crime against nature... 

Or so say Rhea County, TN. Check this shit out. If this goes through, gays will go to jail for being who they are.

Yes, folks, that's American Freedom for you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


I am getting old. Yesterday, while at work, I thought about my mother's birthday. "What's the date? March 16th. No problem, her birthday is tomorrow." Dumbass. Yesterday was her birthday. Great. Now I'm going to get 'the guilt trip from hell' for the next six months. Just got off the phone with her and what does she tell me? My former sister-in-law, Carol, sent her a birthday card - and it got to her *on* her birthday. Shit. Fuck. Piss. I did, however, order some flowers today and they will get to her tomorrow. At least that will be one saving grace. That and the fact that I beat my brother Jimmy in wishing her a happy birthday. You have no idea how important that is!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The evening unfolded... 

Rather dully, actually. Spent the majority of the night playing with the puppy and watching the hubby role up another character for the game - in case his current characters are destroyed. He apparently has no faith in others running his characters whilst gone. Then Don came over and ended up rolling up a character for the game. Should prove interesting. I informed him that he could be any race he wanted and he chose wisely.

Speaking of the game, interesting news that I haven't shared here - but most people already know - but there may be even more people joining the game. {I need a bigger house.} Shel, Steve, and Steve (yes, Tracy, there are two other Steve's here that we game with!) are interested as well. That would make a total of 10 players in the game. And if the game gets moved to Campaign Headquarters, there is another player that would join as well. I don't know if I can handle that kind of pressure. ;)

In other news this week, this is the hubby's last week at work. He'll be on leave after that until the end of the month, when he will have to report to the USS Harry S. Truman CVN-75. They are scheduled to go out a week after he gets there, for a month. I. Am. So. Thrilled. I see lots of time on my hands to plot and plan for the aforementioned game. {You people are in so much trouble.}

OH! We finally got our own copy of the Central Casting Heroes of Legend book, but realized last night that is has to be an earlier version than the one that Leslie has. Under Mental Afflictions, it lists 'Sexual Disorders.' Listed on this table? Bisexuality, Homosexuality, Tranvestitism, Transgenderism, Voyerism, Sadism, and Masochism. Who knew I had so many sexual disorders?? I can see why they changed things in the reprint. They also changed some of the options under the Criminal Activities chart as well. The newer version does not list Child Molestation. I think I like my version better. Would make for a more interesting role-playing scenario if everyone had a sexual disorder. Hehehehe...

Monday, March 15, 2004

Weekend Update 

We interrupt this broadcast for a very important announcement!

Things I learned this weekend:

Three margaritas and two bottles of wine are not healthy.
Discussing politics while I'm drunk is not a good idea - a lesson more than one of us learned.
Greasy meatballs are not good for puppies.
Sometimes husbands can surprise you.
Some 'Carb Cutter' pills will give you hellacious cramps.
Uncle Louie's has changed their Mile High Chocolate Cake (and it's better the new way - not nearly as heavy.)
Going to bed at 8pm is not always a good idea, no matter how sleepy you are.
Now onto our regularly scheduled broadcast. Dinner Friday night was delicious. I wouldn't mind going back there again, if they let me in. What was more interesting was being awakened very late that night to a very, um, insistent person in my bed.

Saturday, well, was Saturday. After waking up at 6am, and not getting back to sleep until 8am and then waking up again at 9:30am, meant for a very cranky me. I was better after a pot of coffee and the knowledge that the hubby had to go grocery shopping without me. Did finish cleaning up the house and was ready when the Tupperware lady arrived. The party was fun - albeit too long for my taste. What was more fun, was getting back to the game. No one died {dammit} but at least they accomplished their main objective...well, at least they think they have.

Sunday was better - though not sleep wise. After getting up at 6am to clean the puppy cage, I was up for good. A pot of coffee, and two Disney movies later, it was time to again clean the puppy cage. Poor Bailey developed a very bad case of the shits - guess why - which is why the hubby did not attend our usual Sunday fair of HoE and bowling. He stayed home, gave her a bath and more doses of Pepto {which is what the vet would have prescribed - but charged four times as much} and thankfully, was feeling better later to let the hubby out of the house and have dinner with us at Uncle Louie's. She is still having problems, but not nearly as bad. Today will be the real test, as we both are working today and she'll be caged up until he can get home. Hopefully soon, we'll be able to find a better way to keep her 'confined' without using the cage.

Today, up at 3am on puppy duty, and now tired as hell. I'd take a nap if I could, but I think someone would notice. Never was really good at sleeping in a chair.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Something fun from the office 2: 

Funeral Procession:
A woman was leaving a convenience store with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the first one. Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a pit bull on a leash. Behind her, a short distance back, were about 200 women walking single file. The woman couldn't stand her curiosity. She respectfully approached the woman walking the dog and said, "I'm so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?"

"My husband's."

"What happened to him?"

The woman replied, "My dog attacked and killed him."

She inquired further, "Well, who is in the second hearse?"

The woman answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my husband when the dog turned on her."

A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two women.

"Can I borrow the dog?"

"Get in line."

Something fun from the office: 

A Woman's Prayer
Dear Lord, I pray for:
  Wisdom, to understand a man
  Love, to forgive him and
  Patience, for his moods
  Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength
  I'll just beat him to death.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Is it next week yet? 

This is turning out to be a busy week for me. For the past three nights, I've been cleaning (okay, just a little), doing laundry, amusing the puppy, and trying to arrange shit in the house. Tonight, dinner and more laundry and hopefully cleaning the bathroom as well. Tomorrow night, drinks and dinner - probably not going to get shit else done. Then Saturday, need to finish cleaning the house, grocery shop, prep for the Tupperware party at 3pm, and be ready to game at 6pm. *pant, pant* Sunday, brunch, bowling, and getting the hardwood floor down.

I need a vacation from life.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Thank you, Tracy...I really like this one! :) 

Belle Watling
You are Belle Watling. You are Atlanta's Bad Woman.
The Madam of your own brothel, you make good
money tending to the needs of the city
gentlemen. Yet your occupation proves your
personality otherwise. You can be quite gentle
and motherly when the situation calls.

Which Character from 'Gone With The Wind' are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

This is what I get for looking at their site... 

Fucking check this out.

Now, I would really like to know what the "homosexual agenda" is. I have a lot of gay friends here, and I have yet to hear from any of them what this is. I wish I knew, so I could promote it.

Also, I found it amusing that they had a problem with Dogma because of homosexuality - but not the blatant, in you face, fuck you to Catholics. And too, that three of Kevin Smith's films made this list. Go Kevin!!

In the meantime, please support Disney and every other company that the AFA says to boycott. I know I will.


The AFA sent me an email for the following poll. Even if you decide to not vote, look at the results. I'm amused.

Addendum: They apparently don't want to spread this poll around, seeing as the above link does not work correctly and you cannot get to the poll through the home website. I changed the link so you could at least see the results.

Last night... 

I found myself, heading off to bed and turning on the t.v. for some background noise, watching VH1's I Love the 80's - 82 edition. What kept me watching is the music, all of which I remember vividly, but the different items they covered were interesting to see today. Video games - that were high tech at the time that now look absurd - and the return of G.I. Joe, albeit in miniature form. I have to admit, the comments by the comedians and actors and such that they had were hilarious. I might actually have to watch the next edition (I didn't stay up for the next hour of 1983).

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I tried several this one bestest. 

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:God of Mayhem
They show devotion by:Converting followers of other faiths.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Interesting that when using my magical name, I get God of Chaos. :)

How the fuck did I get this???? 

31.25 %

My weblog owns 31.25 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

Monday, March 08, 2004

Weekend Update 

Upon waking up on Saturday morning, I realized that I had slept incorrectly and had a hell of a pain in the left side of my neck. Of course, I pretty much ignored this and spent the majority of the day playing Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly and ripping up flooring in the office - which I have to admit is wonderful therapy to work out frustrations. The new section of hardwood floor is ready to go down, which I'll probably end up doing over the next two nights.

Sunday, woke up in even more pain, which decided to travel down the left side of my back. Yay. So, no bowling for me, but at least Steve got to sub. It was nice to see Don at brunch and bowling and I hope he gets the opportunity to join Pat's team next week. After said activities, I went home, downed some Vicodin, and slept until the thunderstorm woke me. After being up for about half an hour, went back to sleep. Woke up this morning, feeling refreshed, and in considerably less pain.

Let's see, what else? Did some more updating on the SASSI website and now I'm just waiting on more feedback from the committee to see what else needs doing on it. I hope at least one person proofreads - I've done it myself, but I can miss things - because there is nothing worse than misspelled words on a website. Personally, I find it annoying, especially when the website in question is supposed to be semi-professional.

That's about it for your updates. Stay tuned for more, in-depth posts at a later time and date.

Friday, March 05, 2004

ATTN: Robin and Tracy 

Your respective packages have been mailed! Keep an eye out!

Oh Happy Day.... 

Well, folks, let's celebrate! The Official S.A.S.S.I. website is up - though not entirely complete (still need to add stuff to some of the pages.) If you care to take a gander - see side bar for link - I'd appreciate any feedback.

I'd also like to thank my lack of work today to contributing to the success of getting this done.

{Oops, probably shouldn't have said that!}

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Proof that I really do read Tom's blog and that "MORALLY SUPERIOR" CHRISTIANS ARE FUCK-UPS TO THE NTH POWER" 

How sad. Read this. For those of you who are too lazy to read, let me give a little low down. Back-water, fucking-ruiners-of-American-freedoms, are boycotting Girl Scout cookies because of the Girl Scouts affiliation with Planned Parenthood and sex education. WHAT?? Yes, let's show these young girls that sex is something to be ashamed of; {speaking of the Planned Parenthood handouts} "It embarrassed me to look at it with my husband," said parent Shannon Donaldson.' Because of the handout/booklet/whatever shows illustrations of sex, masturbation and how to put on a condom? Does this mean, Mrs. Shannon Donaldson, that you conceived your child through divine intervention? You had to have, if looking at something you supposedly do with your husband embarasses you. How pathetic you are as a parent and as a wife. I pity your husband.

And if you read nothing else of the article, read this one paragraph:

In an editorial in Friday's Waco Tribune-Herald, Pam Smallwood, the Planned Parenthood of Central Texas executive director who was honored by the Girl Scouts last year, complained that Girl Scouts had thereby demonstrated that "bullying tactics are more effective than an informed democracy."

That about sums it up, folks.

Deep Thoughts...without Jack Handy 

Just now, sitting here at my desk, I had a sudden flash of what some people would call deja-vu. But what it really is, is flashes from dreams that I've had years ago - premonitions maybe? I don't know. And this isn't the first time this has happened to me, and it is more than a little freaky. I had to wonder, if maybe, it has to do with the things that Rob wrote in his letter to us. Basically, he stated that he believed that sometimes we live our lives over again to learn the lessons we should have learned the last time around. But then, if that were the case, I wouldn't have seen some of the things I've seen. They wouldn't have existed last time around. Unless you want to consider parallel universes. {Have I confused you yet?} And if you've ever seen Red Dwarf, you'd know that parellel universes exist. :) But it's made me try to pay more attention to my dreams when I wake in the morning. 'Cause if I don't, they'll be lost in my subconscience by the time coffee hits my lips.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I hope the CIA and the FBI are checking in on me.... 

You don't have to say you're a loner, Tracy... 

Lone Wolf
You'd turn into a lone wolf! Like a lone wolf you
can coup perfectly well by yourself and do not
feel the need for others company. However like
a wolf you were once part of a pack and you can
tolerate and get along okay with people when
met with them. You are protective and loyal to
the close friends you have but, will always be
a true loner at heart

What animal would you turn into?
brought to you by Quizilla

Stupid People... 

I have a very, very low tolerance for stupid people. Especially for Navy wives who are stupid. Case in point: Kat. Her husband was transferred and is now out to sea on a ship. She (nor he) bothered to get a power of attorney for her so that she could take care of things while he was away. And everything, and I mean everything is in *his* name - car, apartment, credit cards, etc. She was going to go and live with her sister in New York while he was going to be away with their son, but she can't go anywhere until their Federal taxes are deposited. He e-filed their taxes two weeks ago and they were scheduled to receive them today. So what does she do? She calls to have everything at their apartment turned off today. And then cries to Steve when the phone company actually turns off the phone because she still can't leave because the taxes aren't in their account yet. Not to mention the fact that she got a ticket on the car today for not having a valid city sticker (those of you in VA will understand that one) but can't take care of it because she needs proof that he is military and she can't get that because she doesn't have a copy of his LES (leave earning statement).

Sad really. They've been married long enough that she should have known better - this is the first military move for them. And what's worse? They bred and have a son, whose a year old. I pity him.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Get your copy now! 

Now taking requests for copies of the drag show. I already have three requests (Robin, Tracy, Thomas) which are being copied as I type.

Monday, March 01, 2004


As weird as that may be, I am thankful it's Monday. I need time to recover from the weekend. I'm looking forward to crawling into my bed tonight - probably around 8ish - and sleeping for at least a full 8 hours.

I'm still working on the SASSI site, but having a small difficulty with the web host that will hopefully resolve itself in the next day or two.

Oscar Wow! 

How about Lord of the Rings (no need to put which part - every award was based on all three films) tying Ben Hur for the most Oscars won? And what of the contest? Here, Ladies and Gentlemen and you other Cretins, are your results:

Scott - 11 correct. He is our last place winner of a copy of Gigli, probably the worst movie of 2003.

Bob - 13 correct.

Steven - 13 correct. *note: Steve and I were not eligible to win...or lose!*

Tony - 13 correct.

Darrell - 15 correct.

Mike - 16 correct.

Me - 17 correct.

Brian - 18 correct.

Thomas - 19 correct.

Todd - 20 correct.

Chas - 20 correct.

So who actually won? Using the rules, it came down to Best Male Actor in a Leading Role...which Chas picked correctly! Chas is now the proud owner of copies of Seabiscuit and Lost in Translation, with the rest of the movies being awarded as they are released.

It was a fun night, though looooooooong. There needs to be a 30 second rule. Say thank you and get the fuck off the stage. You better believe that once they announced who won Best Picture {which, quite frankly, everyone who has an ounce of a brain knew who was winning}, I awarded the prizes and immediately told everyone to get the hell out of my house. :) Five o'clock comes mighty early in the frickin' morning.