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To Todd
blogs of note
Pics 2004 Goals This list will be updated when I can cross shit off and serve as a reminder of what I'd like to accomplish in the new year.
1. Finish the office remodel. Archives
07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002
08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002
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12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003
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07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
03/01/2012 - 04/01/2012
Patience is the companion of wisdom. - Saint Augustine
Why did I get out of bed this morning? I feel like crap and the thought of going to work today makes my skin crawl. Why aren't I independently wealthy?? Damn the man. If you may not have noticed, a lot of the postings here get done in the early morning hours. I am up by 5am during the week, thanks to the hubby mostly, and I have found that I think a little more clearly this time of day. This is when I do all my posting for school (unless I'm running late, then I do it when I'm at work!) and when I do my best at the games on Yahoo. Yeah, I waste a lot of time there, but it helps to clear my head and take my mind off the shit going on around the world.
Thought for the day: Some days, it's just not worth gnawing through the straps. Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Well, this past weekend was a lot of fun. Yeah, I sucked at bowling, but I don't think I ended up in last place, so that's comforting. We had a good time overall and that's what really matters the most. But I think the next tournament, I'll let the hubby bowl. I think I prefer to be ticket bitch. A lot more fun and less hassle! My single games weren't half bad, but for doubles and team, I couldn't find my mark until the very last frickin' game. And I'm really kind of pissy about the doubles, because my partner, Bob, did bowl his ass off. I'm very proud of him! He did most excellent this weekend. Like I said, though, I had fun. Didn't get to do everything I wanted to this weekend, but that's okay. The hubby did get to see a few things he has never seen before, even if we did just drive by them! He's never been to D.C. before, so we're planning on going back sometime so we can do more of the "touristy" stuff. We may just do that with Mike and Joe, who also expressed an interest. It's been a while since they have done that too. Maybe next spring, when things warm up a little!
Thank goodness for coffee. Without it, I would wake with no one to left to kill. I'm a bit of a bitch in the mornings without my coffee. Okay, let's face it, I'm a huge bitch without my coffee. And this morning is no different. I had a long ass weekend and I'm fucking tired. The last thing I want to do today is go to work. And to top it all off, I think I'm getting sick. Wasn't feeling all that well Sunday night or Monday morning, and the NyQuil last night only helped a little.
Thought for the day: C:\COFFEE.EXE NOT FOUND - [A]bort, [R]etry, [B]rew another pot? Friday, October 25, 2002
Would you look at that. After long last, the police and FBI have finally caught the sniper. Well, after the sniper's son called a priest and the priest called the cops. Yeah, that took a lot of detective work on their part, didn't it? Why is it, that these supposed "professionals" can't catch a seriel killer unless the killer wants them to? You see they never caught Jack the Ripper, because he didn't *want* to be caught. But Son of Sam and the like *did* eventually want to be caught, and left clues for the police to help them. Makes me afraid of what would happen if someone was a solo psychopath!
Thought for the day: If you settle for what they’re giving you, you deserve what you get. Thursday, October 24, 2002
Okay, was just checking out Goddam Thomas's blog (again today) and he had a really good link that I'm stealing. I like Tom Petty, always have, and he summed up a lot of what I feel about the music industry and the artists in general in a very good article in Rolling Stone. Check it out. NOW, GODDAM IT, NOW!!!
If you haven't noticed, I've been blogging more lately. I think it has to do with the fact that I'll be away this weekend, with no hope of having computer access and I won't be able to be here to bitch to all of you. Damn that bowling mistress. She's an evil bitch. No wonder I like it so much. Oh, and I may just as well tell you that it does look like Goddam Thomas will be joining me in my department. Oh joy, oh rapture. : ) Just means that there will probably be more and more "Goddam Thomas" posts than I had planned.
Well, well, well. They caught the "sniper" guy. And what do you know? Military trained. Why is it that everyone who is caught fucking with our country and fucking with the people here have been formerly trained by the U.S. government? Saddam, Osama, etc. were all trained by us. It's just a tad bit pathetic to think that our own government is training the very people who will later turn around and try to kill us.
My current class is going better than expected so far. Though the teacher is a real jack ass. To quote him, "It doesn't matter if you have the correct answer, only how you arrived at the answer." What? Would it not benefit us to have him tell us if we are correct in our answer and how we arrived at the answer?? How else are we going to know whether or not we are doing it correctly so as not to keep making the same mistake over and over again? Jerk. I really hate teachers like that. And I better not get him again in my next math class.
Only one more day to go. I've been going into work early this week for the simple fact that I'm banking a little time to get off early on Friday. On one hand, it's nice and quiet in the office and no one is around to bother you. But on the other hand, there is only so much I can do. I have been trying to find myself things to do, but I think I've run out. Should make today and tomorrow morning interesting. Oh, and still no word on whether or not Goddam Thomas has gotten the job. He's fairly upset about that, and rightly so, but I'm sure that it will all work out. I think a lot of it stems from the fact that we have a new HR director. She has her own way of doing things than our last HR director, and so far, I don't think anyone is too impressed by her. I really can't comment too much on her. I haven't had to deal with her at all, and hope I don't have to. She seems a little ghetto to me. You'd understand that comment better if you worked where I work!
Thought for the day: I want to be Barbie™-- The bitch has everything! Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Well, it's the start of yet another day. This week seems to be going by so slowly and I think I know why. We are heading out of town this weekend. Time for the bowling tourney in D.C. Yup, right in the middle of "sniper country." Am I afraid? Hell no. Why should I be? If it's my time to die, so be it. I refuse to let what someone else does intimidate or scare me into doing anything other than what I normally would do. Why give anyone that kind of power over you?
Thought for the day: Dogs think men are gods. Cats are not so easily deluded. Tuesday, October 22, 2002
I work in an office full of women, ages from 20 to older than dirt. We all have our own opinions and the majority of us have been through a lot of crap and other experiences. Except the 20 year old. She has just *recently* turned 20. We spent about an hour today, while she was at lunch, talking about her and her husband. We are all agreed on the opinion that her husband is an "in the closet" gay. (not that there is anything wrong with being gay, none of us think that) But she is blind and in denial about a lot of things. Of course, she is a typical young adult, in that she thinks she knows everything. I should probably mention about now that; she and her husband knew each other less than 3 months before getting married, they now have an infant son, they are so far in debt it isn't funny anymore, and they have barely been married a year. Now, there are more facts that I haven't listed here, but those are the basics of what you need to know to tell you what else we were talking about. Okay, so they have no money, not even enough to fill the tank of their SECOND NEW CAR, yet they go out to eat for lunch everyday? This includes her going to get the car, drive to pick him up, he drops her off after lunch and then takes himself back to work. They are now breaking the lease at their apartment, to move into a new place the first of November, but she's been out of work since the end of September. Tell me these two don't take the proverbial cake. Part of the problem with these two is that they are both babies in their respective families. I know what that means, since I've been there. For your sake, let me explain simply. Babies of the family are used to getting everything and anything they want, when they want it. This may not hold true for *every* baby of the family, but it is the textbook norm and these two are the prime example of it. They also tried to buy a house this past summer. Bad idea, since they had no money saved, not even for the baby they were about to have. So, anyway, we were talking about the two of them today, and even the old biddie (the one referred to earlier as older than dirt) thinks that her husband is gay. How sad is that?? I really feel sorry for this girl. Well, sort of. I do and I don't. It has a lot to do with the fact that she doesn't listen to us when we tell her certain things. I know, when I was that age, I didn't want to listen to anyone who had been there either, and now I know what it's like being on the other end of that. But still. How difficult is it to listen to someone when they tell you that you need to save every penny you have while you're pregnant so you can afford to be out on maternity leave??? I mean shit people! What does it take to get through to some people??? Oh, should probably mention that her husband has just turned 21 this past year. Which means now he can go out clubbing, leaving her at home with the baby. Not to mention that he does go out most nights, to his "friend and choir director's" house, who just happens to be gay. Practicing. Right. I don't think so people. Who practices every night of the week for choir, WITHOUT the rest of the choir?
Thought for the day: You’ll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. Monday, October 21, 2002
It dawned on me the other day that I haven't had a "Goddam Thomas" post in a while. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that he hasn't done anything recently to warrant one. Of course, I suspect that will change. Probably sooner than I think!
Goddam Thomas has an interview today. For a job in *my* department. Oh yeah, things are going to start to get really interesting now. He was in our department for a few months this year, and things worked out well, so we're all hoping he'll get the job. At least we know that we can all get along with him and we don't have to break him in! Of course, at this point, I just want them to get *someone* in here soon!! : )
I put the thought of the day there for a reason. I am of the mind set that, if you have a problem with me or with what I'm doing, you need to speak directly to me about it. Complaining or talking to others is not going to solve the problem you have. I am the same way. If I have a problem with you, I guarantee that you will hear it directly from my mouth. It may take a day or two for me to gather the appropriate words I want to use, but *I* will tell you what I have a problem with. Why is that so hard for some people? I understand that some people lack the ability to confront others, but how do you move on in life if you can't do that? Do you just put up with everyone's shit until you can't take it anymore and then snap? Or ignore the problem and hope it goes away? Or just not deal with it and lose a friend?
Thought for the day: If you can't talk about me to my face, don't talk about me at all. Friday, October 18, 2002
Well, classes have started back up for me. This time it's math, so I'll have more time to do other things. Math is fairly easy for me and I don't have to worry about writing any damn papers!! I took a look at the first few assignments and you know what? All the frickin' answers are in the back of the book!! Of course, I'm sure the instructor is going to want to see how you arrive at the answer, but still. You'd think that they would be just a little bit smarter than that!!
Thought for the day: If I could get a firm grip on reality, I'd choke it! Thursday, October 17, 2002
I have been told that to tell you about the private blog and not share was teasing the readers. Hmm. I like to tease, so you'll get over it. I may eventually share it with the world and beyond, but don't count on it anytime soon. Besides, where else am I going to rant and rave about a few people (who happen to read this blog) and be able to keep it a secret from them? >:)
Last night was a lot of fun. We all went out to dinner for Mike's birthday. (no, not going to tell you his age.) There were 11 of us, just sitting around, talking and joking, making ourselves infamous to the wait staff at Grate Steak. You'd have to see the card to understand. But it occurred to two of us that we really have to do that more often. We don't always have the time and ability to get together like that and I think we should make it into a monthly ritual, of sorts. Why wait for someone's birthday? I have a few other musings on the observations that I had last night, but I'll save that for the private blog. What private blog? Well, if I told you about it, it wouldn't be private, now would it?
Thought for the day: Life's a beach - and we're just surfing time. Tuesday, October 15, 2002
It's been a few days, and I really don't have the time nor the energy to keep this up at work either. Too much going on. And yesterday, I had to do the most awful thing and I hope that I never, ever, ever have to do it again. I had to call CPS (that's Child Protective Services for those fools who are clueless) on one of my clients. I've never felt this horrid before in my life. And it isn't like this girl is a bad client either. But to leave a 10 year old in charge of an 8 and 4 year old just isn't safe. Not when you have daycare assistance at your fingertips. And as bad as I felt having to make that call, I know that I would have felt even worse if I turned on the news one morning and seen something happened to those kids. I just hope that it works out.
Thought for the day: Cats humor us because they know that their ancestors ate ours. Saturday, October 12, 2002
Yeah, I've been quite this week. What the hell did you expect? I've been getting mine and my hubby's rocks off and don't have time to be sitting here typing! We had a good week together, and not just all sex either. We had some very interesting conversations that have really been enlightening for the both of us. We're a sick and twisted couple (if you only knew) and too twisted for color t.v. And my hubby says the nicest things to me. I really want to believe him, but when you don't see yourself as beautiful or wonderful, it's difficult to accept other people saying that about you. Anyway, we went to the Aerosmith *drool, drool* concert on Thursday night. Most excellent concert, by the way. They know what it means to put on a fucking show! Anyway, I made the (joking!) comment that Tyler and the hubby have the same name, so I could fantasize about Tyler while having sex with the hubby and not worry about calling out the wrong name. I *was* joking people, I couldn't fantasize about Tyler anyway, too skinny and too short! But the hubby turns to me (after giving me a dirty look and we both laugh it off) that he doesn't need to fantasize about anyone else. He has his fantasy and he's married to her. Now, just how fucking sweet is that?!? He said to me, after the first night back from Puerto Rico, that he is in absolute bliss just to be next me. Now, my ego would be over-inflated if I let all his musings go to my head, but I feel the same way he does. My life is infinitely happier if I am with him. My heart is so completely his, that it aches when he is not around. Like today. He has just come back, but this weekend is his duty weekend, so he has to fucking work. Damned Navy. And I won't be happy until he comes home. Or at least calls. There are times when the Navy is the worst piece of shit I've ever had to deal with. But the hubby aside, things have seemed a little different in my life lately. I am not the same person I used to be. Duh. I know. People change a lot as they grow older and I'm no different than anyone else. It's just that I actually *see* the difference. No, not talking about physical differences, though those are showing nicely. I can feel it in my own head and heart. I can see it in my own eyes. I'm looking at the world a little differently now. It's difficult to explain, so I won't even begin to try. But I like it.
Thought for the day: The way to a man's heart is between the fourth and fifth ribs. Sunday, October 06, 2002
I picked the thought for the day for a reason. (See below) The best things in life are love, family, and friends. And my dearest love is coming home. TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I can't fucking wait!!! And even though I really, really, really want to just drop to my knees the moment he walks through the door and suck that beautiful cock, that isn't what I'll do. (That'll be ten minutes later!) I just want to hug him. Wrap my arms around his neck, feel his strong arms around my waist and hold him. And kiss him. Gods, to I miss those soft lips. You know, that's how he hooked me. It was our first kiss. I remember that like it was yesterday. So soft, so gentle, so loving. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................(pardon me while I drool on the keyboard.) Okay, got enough cleaned off to type again. My only real regret of him coming home early is that I didn't get everything done around the house that I really wanted. I will be cleaning my little butt off tonight after bowling though. At least the bedroom. Need to put fresh sheets on the bed and make sure there is a bottle of "Wet" on the nightstand! ; )
Thought for the day: The best things in life aren't things. Saturday, October 05, 2002
This is supposedly a free country, right? With freedom of religion? Then explain to me why every piece of money, every court room, and even SCHOOLS have the phrase "In God We Trust" on/in them?? In the time that the phrase was written, it meant to embody the Judeo-Christian "God". Not every American believes in this "God", so why are we all subjected to this phrase? Is it really necessary? Would this country fall to pieces without it? Why does the phrase even matter? I'll tell you why it matters. Because the right wing, uptight, conservative assholes say it does. These are the same people who think it is okay to mock other religions. These are the ancestors of those who KILLED others because of their beliefs, that's why.
Thought for the day: The real problem with Baptists is that they never quite seem to hold them under long enough. Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Life sucks. No, really, it sucks. I only have 23 more days of loneliness and depression. And abstinence. No, even masturbation doesn't help. I've tried. It only makes me want him more. Why don't guys have this problem? See, when hetero women (yes, needed to make that distinction) masturbate, it isn't the same kind of release. There is still that missing element of having something hard and warm inside of you. No, vibrators and dildos are not much help. They have yet to create one that *really* feels the same as a real man. Besides, if you have to work it yourself, there really is no fooling yourself! *sigh*
Thought for the day: Don't steal. The government hates competition. Tuesday, October 01, 2002
Only a week and a day left of this bloody rotten writing class. Not that I mind it too much, since we can at least pick our own topics, but I'm tired of *having* to write. I'm much better when left to my own devices. Like now. And I'm currently writing a little story for my hubby to jack off...I mean read. *sheepish grin* I read him the first paragraph of it on the phone yesterday and he was hard immediately. I'm good that way! When I'm done with it, I may just post it somewhere. Or perhaps submit it to Literotica or Nifty Erotic Stories.
Thought for the day: Going to church no more makes you a Christian than going swimming makes you a fish. |