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To Todd
blogs of note
Pics 2004 Goals This list will be updated when I can cross shit off and serve as a reminder of what I'd like to accomplish in the new year.
1. Finish the office remodel. Archives
07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002
08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002
09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002
10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002
11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003
01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003
02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003
03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003
06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003
07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003
08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
03/01/2012 - 04/01/2012
Patience is the companion of wisdom. - Saint Augustine
How fucking appropriate is this: Steve (and Joe) are cleaning the back yard - behind where the fence used to be - and have been finding all kinds of crap that used to be on or in the house. He discovered today that the bathroom used to be black ceramic fixtures and yellow tile! ;)
For some reason, I haven't been able to get myself into the holiday this year. I normally look forward to it, but this year, I'm just kinda blah about the whole thing. We have, however, transformed our living room into the dining room, so we'll actually be able to eat at the table and there is enough seating for everyone! Tonight is the night that a lot of the pre-baking will be done and general setting up of shit. Of course, I'll be writing several bad checks tonight while shopping, since my place of employment decided not to pay us until midnight tonight. >:( It's not really a "big" deal, but it irritates me.
On a side note, spoke with Darrell last night. They are home and the trip was fine. I'm sure we'll hear more tomorrow night. We won't find out until tonight when the hubby's surgery will be. The sexist asshole doctor (who I do know because I have seen him for my own foot problems) suggested that I shop instead of waiting for my husband to be done with his surgery. Excuse me? Um, I know he's used to dealing with the "typical" Navy wife, and that most of them would probably do just that, but to make that kind of suggestion just pissed me off. I guess I'm just a little touchy about the whole thing. I know that I would just feel better waiting for him. Joe's said that he'd sit with me, and I'll probably bring a deck of cards to pass the time. There'll be an update late Friday, early Sat. Tuesday, November 25, 2003
I haven't post much here this week due to time issues and thoughts that have been running through my mind. I received a very lengthy letter on Saturday from Rob. And there are certain items within the letter that I plan on posting and addressing here later - perhaps Friday - that I really want to share with everyone. And yes Tracy, there was plenty of "please get back in touch with Cori" that I expected, but I now realize that Rob didn't fully understand the whole problem that I had with her - and still continue to have. How do you respect/like/put up with someone who can't be bothered to do everything and anything possible to fulfill the final request of someone who you supposedly love and are "soul-mates" with - not to mention being too lazy to do what was needed to just SEE and SPEAK to the "love of your life" for the last time. Don't people always wish that they could have just one more time to speak to someone who has passed away? How many people are lucky (you know what I mean here) enough to KNOW when the last time is going to be to speak to someone?
Anyway, rant over for now. And with the sentencing of death for Muhammad here in VA being the big news, I have opted out of discussing the situation with anyone. Not the topic I want to be involved in after the past week. Thursday, November 20, 2003
Today is the day that I hoped would never come. My heart and mind will be with Tracy, Jeff, Kathy, Joe, and Rob throughout the day. I never had the pleasure of meeting Rob in person - only through letters and his art work. He will be missed more than he knows.
To Rob: May the Gods and Goddesses bless you and give you a place by their side. Peace be with you now and to your family. Your presence will always be felt around us. Monday, November 17, 2003
Friday saw Vivie and me at the bowling alley. I was hoping to be able to test the new ball I got, but ended up cheering on Joe, et. al, in their games. Then off to Uncle Louie's for a lovely dinner and conversation (Vivie, you order the patty melt here, dear).
Saturday was mostly waiting for the DirectTV people in the morning. Everything got installed finally (and the guy was kinda cute, but young!) and it works beautifully. Don't miss Cox one frickin' bit! :) Then off to Newport News to move some furniture. Interesting. Finally met "The Mother", dad and nanny of Ms. Vivian. That was fun and heard a story which explained why Viv is the way she is. ;) Then off to Golden Corral and Michaels (the craft store) for a little shopping. Sunday. Ah yes, Sunday. Bowling was great really. Thought I would look seriously fucked up with the new ball and shoes, but ended up doing better than I have all season! The games went steadily downhill, but they were all still above my average, so I can't complain. After bowling, time for the SASSI meeting. Yeah. Seriously considering telling Barry to name someone else as co-Director and I'll just help out where needed. I'm that fed up with the problem child and his pettiness. I really don't need that kind of shit in my life from anyone, least of all a tired, dried up old drag queen. I'm still mulling it over and I'll let you know when I make a decision. Then a few of us ended up at Jack Quinn's for dinner before heading to the movies. Great food - everything there is usually very good. Then some of us went to "Love Actually" and "Matrix: Revolutions." You guessed it, I skipped the Matrix. If I had heard anything worthwhile about the storyline - I might have gone and seen it. But since the I never cared that much for the first one and the second was "the worst 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back," I went to see "Love Actually." Most of you know that I don't cry easily at movies. But this one had me tearing every ten minutes, I swear. (Of course, I'm a little emotional right now anyway, so that didn't help much.) The one line in the entire movie that hit me the most - and consequently made me cry for a while afterward - was spoken by Emma Thompson's character, "You made a fool out of my life." Best scenes in this movie: Hugh Grant dancing, Hugh Grant vs. Billy Bob Thornton (I clapped at the end of Grant's speech), and Rowen Atkinson wrapping. Doesn't matter if you like either of these actors or not - funny and wonderful scenes. Best story line (there are 7): The little boy - hands down. I really would like to go and see this movie again - with the hubby so he knows why he was hit after we got out of the movie (he went and saw Matrix) - and *will* purchase the DVD when it goes on sale. Love is the worst problem to have. Friday, November 14, 2003
1. Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"
2. Who was the first person to say "See this chicken there....I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta its butt." 3. Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? 4. Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer? 5. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? 6. Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane? 7. If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat? 8. Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is? 9. Why does your OB-GYN leave the room when you get undressed if they are going to look up there anyway? 10. If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that Acme stuff, why didn't he just buy dinner? 11. If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? 12. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from? 13. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? 14. Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup? 15. Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on car ride, he sticks his head out the window? Number 2 and 13 are my favorites! :) Wednesday, November 12, 2003
We all have them, don't we? Whether they are about the state of the world today, politicians, taxes, work, friends, family, or spouses, we can always find something that we have a problem with. But when it comes to grievances about family, friends, and spouses, how often do you find yourself expressing them to someone *other* than the one you have the problem with? Those of you who know me, know I will complain to the hubby outright - I consider it a perk of my marriage - but not to friends or family and I am not the only person who does this. Why is that? Why do we find it so hard to air our complaints or greivances to everyone *but* the one we should? Is it fear of losing the friendship or love from the family member? Is it fear of facing *their* grievances with you? Just something to think about.
From the PPP: Just something that struck me while trying to deal with a problem client. Boy would I love to tell them what my complaints are!!! Tuesday, November 11, 2003
A heart-felt apology.
{no comments please}
Another day, another $89.5654782504. (It's sad that I know that.) Very quiet at work today, go figure - just about everyone else has it off. But I won't complain about that, especially considering we get the day after Thanksgiving off instead. Which works especially well, since that is when the "surgery" is scheduled. He's kinda looking forward to it and kinda isn't. I think he's just afraid of the pain coming afterwards. Nevermind that they will give him some fairly good drugs. I can't wait for an entirely different reason (You probably don't want to know).
Work also put out the holiday schedule. We're off Dec. 24, 25, & 26! :) I'm *so* looking forward to having that 5-day weekend! Things are starting to look up for the dining/office room. We have the insulation installed in the wall and we'll be sheetrocking a little tonight. Really have to get the ceiling done - it's frickin' cold in there right now with it open to the attic!! Picked up some oak hardwood flooring *extremely* cheap the other day, so we can fix the floor afterwards. We are still kinda fighting over the color of the walls. Of course, I *will* win in this situation, as I'm sure most of you could have guessed. That's all folks! Monday, November 10, 2003
Yeah, I suck and we probably would have won a game this past Sunday had it not been for me. Well, Rick bowled pretty shitty too, but it's usually my fault anyway. I *will* be at practice this week. I'm just really sick of bowling like complete shit. Joe stopped by work today, picking up the latest bank statement, and was talking about the lesson he got from the professional today at AMF. He said it went really well, he got to keep the video, and the computer analysis was great. I'm really hoping that they will offer that again, preferably on a day I can take off! :) We'll see on Friday night if it did him any good. :)
A story for my gentle readers...
This is the story of Josh and Jerry. What started out as a dating situation, turned into friendship and then roommates, living together for almost two years now. One day, Jerry got a call from an old creditor, wanting to settle the debt he owed. Jerry didn't have much money, nor a bank account, and wasn't sure of what he would do. Jerry discussed the situation with Josh, borrowed a small sum to give to the old creditor and then they came to an agreement to let the old creditor take a monthly sum out of Josh's account once a month and Jerry would make sure he had given the money to Josh beforehand. This arrangement worked out nicely, for a while.
Then one month, Josh found out that the creditor had not taken the money out for two whole months! He informed Jerry and Jerry called them to find out if there was a problem. Not finding a reason as to why this arrangement ended, Jerry made other arrangements to see that they were paid. Now, Jerry had paid for the two months that were not taken out and wanted this money back from Josh. But knowing that Josh is in the midst of having his own financial problems, Jerry mentioned the situation to other people, unaware of how to brooch the subject with Josh. Here is where the story ends thus far. Do you have any advice for Jerry or Josh? Wednesday, November 05, 2003
For those 2 people who read this blog and *aren't* from around here, SASSI stands for Surf And Sun Summer Invitational. This is our Bi-Annual bowling tournament held Labor Day weekend every even numbered year. I happen (got harangued) to be one of the co-directors for this tourney. While I don't mind the work involved, I do mind a certain person who is also involved. While he has done a tremendous amount of work in certain areas, he has tried to take on too much and I am finding his work shabby as best. I'm not happy with the above linked website - in the least - and the applications that he made up for me to take to CHIT were horrid (and no, I didn't hand them out). He was supposed to have business cards made up for all the SASSI Committee officers (me, Joe, Barry, and himself), but I have yet to see mine and I know Joe doesn't have his. I could have given at least *20* of those out at CHIT, to people who had never heard of SASSI or were *very* interested in coming. So, not really happy.
Tonight, appropriately or not, at the HoE, Barry (the other co-director) and I are going to have a meeting regarding SASSI and the problem child ranted about above. I have also done my own version of our application (minus graphics) and it doesn't look too bad. Gave a copy to Goddamn Thomas to review for grammar, spelling, etc. I do have other copies that the rest of the committee needs to look at, especially since it includes the by-laws that really should have been voted on - or at least discussed. Oh, well. I just want it noted that I didn't ask for this job. Monday, November 03, 2003
Yeah, okay, Bob bowled like utter crap. So did Steve really. I, on the other hand, bowled fairly well considering my current league average is lower than the average I ended up with at CHIT. No jewelry (good or bad), so I'm satisfied. Of course, I won't be bowling in any more tourney's for a while, unless I can get my average up some in league. Looks like I'm headed back to lessons and soon!
Had a great time, despite the bowling, it was all about the beer after all. Didn't see the skrippers, but I was busy being the only person on the trip getting sex. (we have an excuse, I was ovulating!) Did drink more beer the past two days than I have the past two months. Driving was an experience and the cops in D.C. are very nice. Saw the hubby's plot at Arlington Cemetary (where I could have dropped him off, but didn't) and made it home in record time. (It was late as hell and I was tired!) Ended up this morning going back to the frickin' car rental place, because stupid me left my new jacket in the van. But they were very nice when I called and it was there when I went and got it. For anyone who rents a car in the area, try Auto-Rent on Military Hwy. They are the best that I've ever dealt with. Back to work today and I'm too tired to deal with these people. Hopefully I'll be having some lunch with the hubby and then tonight its looking like laundry and much needed sleep! :)
Time for a commercial break...
Entry fee to tournament = $89.00
Two night stay in D.C. = $70.00 Two days parking in D.C. = $20.00 Watching Bob bowl the worst 9 games of his life = Priceless This commercial break is brought to you by BastardCard. |